3 Tips for Transforming Your Transitions

Every content creator knows that short form video – Instagram Reels and Tik Tok videos – are the key to growth and success on social media today.  

But to see that growth and success, you first need to engage your viewer so that they continue watching your video. One of the best ways to keep your viewers watching and coming back for more is nailing your transitions.

Keep reading to learn three tips for creating perfect transitions!

Continuous movement is the key to strong transitions

When you are splicing two clips together, look for the blur. Blur in your clip means that there is movement in the video. Make sure there is always blur from motion when you combine clips. Don’t cut the video as the movement stops or slows - it will create that awkward millisecond when there’s a pause in the movement. Even less than a second of a pause in the movement will make your transition look choppy and unnatural. Keep an eye on the motion blur!

Keep your transitions snappy

Your transitions should be cut at just the right time. If you cut your clips too early or too late, they will look forced and break up the continuity of your Reel. How do you know when to cut your clips? Listen for beat drops in songs or a rapid shift in tone of the audio. Remember, keeping your transitions snappy and on time is crucial for creating Reels that hook your viewers!

Don’t overuse transitions — unless that’s the point

You don’t need a million transitions in your Reels. There’s a fine line between “visually interesting” and “visually cluttered”. Unless the point of your Reel is changing outfits or there are a lot of beat drops, 1-2 transitions is plenty!

Are you regularly using transitions?

If not, that’s ok — everyone starts somewhere!

Transitions can be tough to do well, and they are even tougher when you are new to using them! I created a video guide that takes the guess work out of transitions. It outlines 6 beginner transitions step by step and is specifically designed for creators with dogs. Check it out here!

After you download the transitions video guide, your homework is to go make a Reel with a transition and send it to me on Instagram! I can’t wait to see which transition you use!


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