Order Your Dog’s Fast CAT Video

Fill out this brief questionnaire and I will be in touch.

I am now offering video at select events!

To order your dog’s Fast CAT videos, please fill out this questionnaire. If I have footage of your dog*, I will send you an invoice and will process your video within 7 business days of payment.

Due to the time necessary to process videos, I am unable to offer previews of individual dogs. Videos will be similar to the samples shown below.

The price of each video is $30, or $35 if you choose a music customization. Currently, the music shown in the sample video is the only music available. I will be expanding music options in the near future!

*I do my best to capture video of your dog’s second run each day (only after capturing photos of their first run), but I cannot guarantee video of each dog due to the quick nature of Fast CAT.

Fast CAT Sample Video (Music)

Fast CAT Sample Video (Natural Sound)

Fast CAT Sample Video (No Sound)